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Have you ever wanted to work in video games? Well that's what the guys at GameBizCo Inc. do. Literally.

Join the cast of Another Videogame Webcomic as we peek behind the curtain to see what exactly goes into bringing your favorite video games to the small screen. It may be a job in video games, but it's still a job.

LEGO Rock Band

Platform: Playstation 3 , Xbox 360 , Wii
Price: $49.99

When I was young, I loved playing with LEGOs. I loved building things out of those multi-colored blocks and almost always not what they were supposed to be. When i got older, I wanted to learn how to play the guitar... mainly for the chicks. A few years later, I ended up joining a band, albeit a marching band... which, is like, certified chick repellent. Years later, Rock Band was released and I could play out my rock star fantasies in the comfort of my own living room, sans groupies. Coming full circle, in an odd sort of way, is LEGO Rock Band.

LEGO Rock Band is a simple concept, it's the rhythm game you know and love with LEGO avatars instead of the usual rock avatars. You still collect stars and fans much like in Rock Band and Rock Band 2, but instead of cash, you collect LEGO studs as your currency to build new tour vehicles, hire your entourage and purchase new costumes, instruments and decorations for your Rock Den.

But that's not all that's different in this LEGO version. On the whole, the game has been made more "kid friendly". A "super easy" mode has been added to help the people out there who have a little trouble with coordinating the actions of two hands at the same time. Instead of failing out completely when you play poorly, you're given a chance to recover by correctly hitting a series of notes and collecting LEGO studs. So now it's possible to pass a song and gain no stars (although in the story mode, you won't progress any further). The game also adds a series of Rock Challenges, like demolishing a building, escaping from a LEGO dinosaur and powering a UFO (all with the power of ROCK!).

Where the Rock Band games have shined in the past is the song selection, however, in gearing this game towards a younger and more family friendly audience the setlist has become a little eclectic. You've got such recent hits like Vampire Weekend's A-Punk mixed with classic songs like Elton John's Crocodile Rock. Maybe it's just my musical tastes, but while there are a lot of songs that I like in the game (who wouldn't want to sing the theme to Ghostbusters?) there are songs that I could do without (really? So What from Pink? REALLY?).

Probably the oddest thing in the game is the inclusion of LEGO versions of popular bands and musicians. If you ever wanted to control a LEGO version of David Bowie or Freddie Mercury, this game was totally made for you. But the inclusion of LEGO rock icons seems to fly in the face of the younger audience the rest of the game is tailored towards. And out of curiosity, I checked the game's tutorial section to see who would be providing the voice over... it's friggin' Iggy Pop! Which is totally surreal but is somehow appropriate for the game.

In a way, it's good that LEGO Rock Band is geared towards younger audiences. It allows kids to nurture their rock fantasies, hopefully avoiding the later disappointment that many of us discover when we figure out that we'll never have groupies...


I love Rock Band. I love the visceral thrill of playing the drums and singing along to songs that I like. The operative phrase here is "songs that I like". There are a lot of songs here that I like. But there are also songs here that I couldn't care less about. The new gameplay elements aren't enough of a draw for me to recommend a buy. But it's also not a bad game.

Even though I'd love to play some of the songs over and over again, I'd much rather play them in one of the other Rock Band games as downloadable tracks. But not enough to buy the game to export them over. So I'd say "rent" this one to play the songs you want... it's cheaper than buying the game and exporting the songs into Rock Band or Rock Band 2.


Yeah, I think you already know what I would recommend for you if you liked LEGO Rock Band...

Player Two

After the resurgence of multiplayer co-op, GameBizCo Inc. hired Player Two to be the Goose to someone else's Maverick. His workload isn't quite as heavy as most of the other people working at GameBizCo Inc. and as a result, he spends a lot of time in the break room or playing computer solitaire.
First Appearance: Another Videogame Webcomic?!? An Introduction

Player One

Player One is top dog at GameBizCo Inc. Nearly every game, from Pong to Mario Bros to Grand Theft Auto, requires Player One's expertise. His cocksure and sometimes inappropriate attitude is an annoyance to his coworkers but seeing as every game needs a first player, they make due.
First Appearance: Bonus Stage! Here comes Player One!

Damsel I. Distress

Whether it be a castle, a dungeon or mystical island, Damsel always needs to be saved... and she hates it. Damsel longs for the day when she's given the role of a strong female lead character who doesn't have huge breasts with hyper accurate physics.
First Appearance: LittleBIGPlanet

Final Boss

Underneath the huge brute that is Final Boss lies a timid creature who wouldn't hurt a fly. He puts on his "angry face" when throwing barrels down ramps or breathing fire but deep down he feels sorry for doing so. He's been known to throw a game or two in the player's favor.
First Appearance: World Record

John Minion

John Minion, or Min for short, is the hardest working employee at GameBizCo Inc. Playing everything from Goombas to no name thugs, Min gets beat up on a daily basis but loves every minute of it. He always wanted to work in the gaming industry and was originally hired as an intern. After years of getting coffee, his big break came when someone called in sick... and the rest is history.
First Appearance: Watchmen: The End is Nigh

Middle Manager

Middle Manager works in the Human Resources department. He runs staff meetings and interviews prospective employees. The other 90% of his time is spent playing Freecell on his computer.
First Appearance: Another Videogame Webcomic?!? An Introduction